Friday, March 13, 2009


so.. my poor mac book is broken. I am not too sure what happened to it but I am going to the apple store tomorrow to have them look at it! I am praying that it did not crash because if it did that means that I have lost all my pictures! =[ sad day. I think I just might cry again. lol it's very tragic. I miss my pictures and my not so good editing program. *finger crossed* that the problem is fixable.


it was so nice last weekend. I can not tell you how much I miss the sunshine and its warmth. is back to being cold. oh well it was nice while it lasted.

i am proud to say I survived one of the worst weeks of school.....7 tests between 2 days..CrAZy I tell you. only a few more months!! I can not wait! I have so many great things planed for this summer. *sigh* I guess I will have to be satisfied with only the thought of summer.

on a happy note I have been feeling crazy inspired recently. I feel as if I have taken a huge leap in the area of creating think in the last month. I LOVE it so much! it is great! lol only if I had the time to put that inspiration to work. I need more time in my day!

I think I am going to make a list of..."goals"..not a huge fan of that word...for April. I think it would be helpful. I am off to work on that.


1 comment:

  1. ohhh, definitely share your list of goals! i love lists. especially inspiring lists. :)
